Florida FAPA President Amanda Cruce welcomes caregivers and others to the 2021 Virtual Winter Conference. DCF Secretary Chad Poppell thanks caregivers and provides some key updates about the Department’s work and legislation.
Teanna Houston with the Office of Child Welfare talks about the Caregiver Bill of Rights that stems from the 2019 Legislative Session. She will provide information that is based on statewide policy and practice expectations. She will pay particular attention to information sharing and resolving disputes between caregivers and child welfare agencies.
Jamie Averett with the Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) of the Youth Law Center, provides an overview of QPI principles. She will discuss some recent Florida legislation that focuses on the building and supporting respectful partnerships between caregivers, birth families and state and community child welfare professionals. She will discuss the process of comfort calls and how they benefit the child by taking the first step to build those respectful partnerships.
Courtney Smith with the Office of Child Welfare provides an overview of the Federal Family First Prevention and Services Act that is guiding the DCF to create new programs and initiatives to move Florida’s Child Welfare system from a crisis oriented agency to a prevention agency. She describes how the new focus also provides enhanced services and supports to all caregivers of children in out of home care. She explains plans for specialized foster parent training, recruitment incentives and wrap-around supports.
Florida FAPA President Amanda Cruce welcomes caregivers and others to the 2020 Virtual Fall Conference. In his welcome video, DCF Secretary Chad Poppell thanks caregivers and provides some key updates about the Department’s work and legislation.
We learn how to regulate our feelings and emotions as very young infants. Through our interactions, we learn how to filter information and how to respond to information. When children do not receive the nurture and care they need to develop optimally, their ability to self-regulate is disrupted. This can manifest in many ways, including tantrums, elopement, disrobing, melt downs and many other behaviors of concern. This presentation will provide attendees with an overview of how children learn to regulate their behaviors in infancy and how this develops as they grow. Additionally, the presentation will include strategies caregivers can use when children do not develop self-regulation strategies to help them learn this skill, regardless of their age.
In some parts of the state, the Court may be starting in-person hearings and trials but in most parts, Virtual Court will be with us a while longer. Caregivers should be attending court when possible. This presentation will address various issues associated with virtual court itself and present tips for caregivers preparing for court.
Taylor Peck is the Director for the newly established Florida Foster Information Center (FFIC) at the Department of Children and Families. In this presentation, she shares how the FFIC aims to meet prospective foster parents with gratitude, personal experience paired with system knowledge and direct access to next steps in the licensing process. At the conclusion, FloridaFAPA President Amanda Cruce and Taylor facilitate a Q&A session with participants.
Florida FAPA President Amanda Cruce shares a conference closing video from Kurt Kelly - CEO and President - Florida Coalition for Children, who also shares his appreciation for caregivers.
Florida FAPA President Amanda Cruce welcomes caregivers and others to the 2020 Virtual Summer Conference. In his welcome video, DCF Secretary Chad Poppell thanks caregivers and provides some key updates about the Department’s work and legislation.
This session focuses on the tools and practices that support diversity as a family value. Appreciating the racial and cultural identity of oneself and others promote positive connections and authentic relationships.
The Foster Allegation Support Team (F.A.S.T.) is a program of Florida FAPA. Life in the F.A.S.T. Lane is an interactive presentation for foster parents, other caregivers and licensing staff to have the opportunity to become familiar with the investigation process and learn what can be expected during an investigation on a foster home.
This workshop will provide details regarding qualifications and how to apply for the following scholarship programs available for school-aged children throughout the state of Florida: the Florida Tax Credit and Family Empowerment Income-Based Scholarships, the Gardiner Scholarship for children with certain special needs, the Hope Scholarship for children who have experienced bullying and the Reading Scholarship Accounts for public school students in grades 3 through 5 who struggle with reading.
To say that parents are stressed and overwhelmed right now is an understatement. Even the calmest and collected parent may be feeling overwhelmed. There’s still so much uncertainty. Learn tips and tricks for creating a toolbox for self-care and family care during uncertain times. Taking care of yourself not only makes you feel better but it also makes you a better parent.
Alan Abramowitz, Executive Director of Florida’s Guardian ad Litem program shares important information on new legislation that impacts child welfare. He highlights the sponsors of each and how it will impact children and families. Amanda Cruce, President of Florida FAPA concludes the 2020 Virtual Summer conference with closing remarks by Asst. Secretary Patricia Medlock who shares a special thank you and new initiatives from the Office of Child Welfare.
Florida's Just in Time Training is a web based service program designed to connect foster parents, kinship or other caregivers with training, peer experts and other resources. Questions are answered and practical solutions to care for children are discussed - all from the comfort of your home or office.